Friday, December 21, 2012

Dr Who Wine Accessories

There are a myriad of different definitions for a geek, but one I like the best is that a geek is someone who has an intense passion for one thing and obsess over it. By this definition, my wife is a movie geek, as she owns a large collection of movies and watches around 5 movies a week. I'm a more typical Science Fiction/Fantasy geek, obsessing over Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek and the like.

But one passion my wife and I have both discovered is watching Dr. Who. Together, we've watched all of the episodes from the 9th Doctor onward. We've had serious discussions of getting a Cardboard TARDIS to set up in our house.

While this might be a little too big for us, one thing that is not too large are wine stoppers. And who could say no to a Cyberman wine stopper?

If I had a need for an ice bucket, I'd also look into this TARDIS ice bucket, but I don't throw enough parties now to justify the cost. Perhaps I should throw a few more parties...


  1. If you've got a bit more money to spend there is a great range of wine refrigeration systems available. From the small, under the counter style fridges to the full room cellar style designs, you can accommodate and store your wine in whatever way suits your budget.

    wine accesories

  2. Imagine this scenario: You have a dinner party this evening. All the food is wonderfully prepared, the table is set beautifully, and the wine has been set to breathe. Wait! You forgot to let the wine breathe! As your guests begin to arrive, what will you do? The answer is a wine aereator.

    decantus wine aerator

  3. Dr. Who is a great show. I think it's funny that people would have wine accessories from the show but pretty cool too. Geeks have become pretty cool lately. People are wanting more intelligent conversations.
